Over the years, I’ve appeared in a range of print and broadcast media.

In early 2021, I featured in a Sunday Telegraph article by Rosie Mullender which focussed on how coaching with me helped her with her decision to be child-free.
You can hear me coaching Leah Green on the baby decision as part of her Guardian podcast Maybe Baby: Should I have a child or not? recorded in November 2018
Hear me in discussion with Jenni Murray & Cristina Odone on this BBC Radio 4 Women’s Hour programme on the 28th July 2010.
Read about the experience of a former client of mine who wrote this article on Maybe Baby coaching for Marie Claire online magazine
My other media appearances include:
*The Economist – The Tryanny of Choice (I’m quoted in the 2nd paragraph from the end)
*BBC News Website Women Who Choose Not to Be Mothers
*Evening Standard (London, UK)- It’s Maybe Baby Time