I coach clients to help them make life decisions – whether it’s about having children or not, having a better work life/balance or developing your confidence, I’m here to help you work out what you want and how to get it.
Prior to working as a coach I worked in the charitable sector managing projects and organisations. In 2003, I had been doing this for 15 years and I was ready for a change. I saw a career coach who helped me work out what to do next and then addess my own fears that were holding me back. I made the leap into self-employment and set up my fundraising and management consultancy. Then, in 2006, I was drawn to the principles of Co-Active Coaching because of the creative and holistic nature of the approach and I became a accredited co-active coach.
Today, I describe my working life as being a portfolio career. I have my Ticktock Coaching practice AND I also work as a philanthropy & funding specialist to enable causes I care deeply about whom I work for to find the funding and resources they need to bring their work and witness into the world. (for example, I’m a Quaker & I currently work for Quakers in Britain to helping to raise income to bring Quaker values into the world). I love the variety this gives to my working life.
Since I completed my training in 2006, I’ve coached hundreds of clients. I love the process of helping people on the journey to discover what they really want from their life and work.
Many people ask how I came to coach people on the decision to have children or not. Like many of my friends, when I approached the age of 35, I found myself at the crossroads of a major dilemma – to have children or remain child-free? In the end, I decided to become a parent but I also realised that I could have had an equally satisfying child-free life if I hadn’t had a child. When I started my coach training, I realised that coaching had the potential to help others facing the same challenge. If you’d like to read more about making the baby decision, please go to my Children or Not? and In the Media
In addition to coaching people on the decision whether to have children or not, I also coach people on a range of other issues including work/life balance, finding another career path, confidence and leadership.
“Passionate and enthusiastic about making the most of life, Beth walks the talk – the most powerful and authentic place from which to begin helping people. She’s skilled enough to be flexible, adapting sessions to make the most of my responses. Working with her was an empowering, enlightening experience.” ~ Maggie, teacher, 33
To find out more and arrange your intial 30 minute consultation session, contact me: beth@ticktockcoaching.co.uk